What is Kinesiology?


According to Dr George Goodheart, the original innovator of Kinesiology, he stated the following with regards to Kinesiology : 

"Man possesses a potential for recovery through the innate intelligence of the human structure.  This recovery potential with which he is endowed merely waits for your hand, your heart and your mind to bring it to potential being and allow the recovery to take place, which is man's natural heritage.  This benefits man, it benefits you and it benefits our profession".  


And this is what The Kinesiology Federation (Great Britain) has to say about Kinesiology:

"Kinesiology literally means the study of body movement and interaction of a person’s energy systems.  Gentle assessment of muscle response monitors whose blocks and imbalances are impairing physical, emotional or energetic well-being.  The same method can identify factors, which may be contributing such imbalances. The body's natural healing responses are stimulated by attention to reflex and acupressure points and by use of specific body movements and nutritional support.  These can lead to increased physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being"  

So what is Kinesiology? It's a therapy where muscle testing is used which enables the body to communicate what is needed and then by touching or massaging the appropriate part can bring about instant changes. The body has its own innate intelligence, communicating on a subconscious level with the brain, the muscles hold vast amounts of information about the body and mind, and using Kinesiology reboots the body’s innate ability to heal itself.  The muscles are monitors of stress and imbalance within the body and Muscle Testing to detect and correct a variety of imbalances. It aims to improve a client’s health and wellbeing, by stimulating the body’s own healing potential. 

Everything we experience, what we do, what we think, what we eat and drink, all have an effect on the body as a whole.  We need to look at the whole person and not just treat a symptom. All our body systems, our mental and emotional states, as well as our nutrition, interacts and are interdependent.  An imbalance in one system can therefore affect others.  If only one area is treated, it can leave others defective. Muscles are parts of our bodily systems and, as with all parts of the body, all information therein is constantly transferred to the brain via the nervous system.  This inter-communication is happening all the time, and with muscle testing, we are tapping into this neurological system. By using the I.M. (indicator muscle) to test and receive either a "strong = yes” or a “weak = no" response to questions asked (referred to as "asking the body") is a simple yet effective muscle biofeedback technique that yields amazing results. One can literally ask the body’s innate intelligence anything and receive the body's immediate response, especially when it comes to food allergies etc. 

In Kinesiology the therapist checks for problem factors regarding:

1)         Nutritional/chemical (allergies, food intolerances, nutritional deficiencies)

2)         Structural/Physical (Meridian imbalances)

3)         Emotional/Mental (Stress factors)


Once the problem factors have been deduced, the therapist uses specific techniques to restore balance, correct energy blockages, and restore energy flow. 


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