Intuitively Yours


All creatures are intuitive but mankind, however, seems to find it less apt to tap into theirs and opt instead to rely on their own intelligence.

Our wisdom is limited. It will always be limited. But intuition – that is unlimited. It’s a tap that, once turned on, will never run dry. Intuition is a source that holds unexplainable yet infinite wisdom. Some might call it a universal collective consciousness where past, present, and future thoughts and wisdom collide. I see it as so much more than that. I won’t delve into my religious beliefs here, suffice to say, if you have a visual mind like I do, you can picture intuition as this large pool of powerful brilliant white energy lingering above us all, that can bring not only wisdom but healing too. I tap into that energy to help people remove their blockages, or change faulty belief systems, and I tap into it to find answers.

If you’re trying to find answers as to why intuition exists – stop. It’s a rabbit hole with no way out. Like asking, how did the world begin? Or what came first, the chicken or the egg. But if you’re trying to find answers to assist you on your life’s path, intuition is the perfect place to start.

Why do I say intuition is unexplainable? Can you explain why some people avoid death by having this ‘sudden feeling’ they must not board a certain plane, or drive down their usual road to work on a certain day, only to discover later that deviating from their plans actually saved their life? It happens. Can you explain why some can see ghosts while others do not? It happens.  Whether you want to believe it or not. Whether you want to rely on your own wisdom and live in a world of blinkers is always a choice. But we hear many extraordinary tales of unexplainable yet wonderful occurrences and miracles all the time. It happens! Intuition is one of those unexplainable but undeniable miracles of life – an extraordinary tool our minds can tap into and which can yield the most succulent fruit.  

I believe if we all start using our intuition more, it would enhance our experiences in life. We would experience more miracles. I also believe that life would be more peaceful. We, mankind as a united whole, would live harmoniously together, be more accepting of each other despite our differences, and harbor less prejudice and hatred. Our lives would be far less complicated and have fewer challenges because I believe challenges are simply there to teach us something. If we tap into our intuition, we won’t need to learn the hard way. Working smarter not harder is less painful. Why re-invent the wheel? Learn from other people’s mistakes. Living smarter is far more enjoyable too. Learning to tap into your intuition will make your journey through life that much easier, far brighter and so much more harmonious – this is something I experience regularly. Try it! Learn to become more intuitive and to trust your instincts so that you too can experience the miracles of your intuition for yourself.

Article by Ursula Graetz

Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, and Energy Healer


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