Escape the Negativity Trap


It’s so easy to get caught up in the trap of negative energy that lingers in the world today and whether we realize it or not, we often add to it. There are uncountable negativity traps such as load shedding, fuel hikes, violence, discrimination, corruption, and even war. So much negativity exists, and it takes intentional effort to safeguard ourselves from being tossed to and fro in its emotional riptide.

Even keeping abreast of the news affects us. However, I believe we need to stay informed. So how then do we protect ourselves from the emotional effects of negativity around us? How can we be protected when we face, see, read or hear negative news? Yet, we must. It’s vital that we protect ourselves emotionally. If we don’t, it’s like a fireman running into a burning building without wearing protective gear.

Don’t be fooled. The news does affect us on an energetic level, sometimes so subtly that we might not even realize it, but at other times, it can affect us so harshly that we may wish to lash out at those nearest to us just in order to release the worked up anger and frustration that is boiling inside of us.

Emotions affect us differently, and in so many varied ways that we may never fully comprehend their effects, but you can be sure about one thing – it does affect us, not only psychologically but even physiologically on a cellular level.

Negative energy can be harmful to our very health and wellbeing. It’s easy to get trapped in its vortex and sometimes we even add to the negative energy instead of using an emotionally charged moment to add positive energy to the mix, which will have a depleting effect on negativity, similar to a light turning on and chasing away the darkness. Darkness and light cannot co-exist simultaneously. And where there is light there is no darkness. Therefore, where we are positive, we cannot be negative. At least, not simultaneously.

Now I hope you are asking yourself, “Okay, so how do I protect myself against the negativity trap and how on earth is it possible to create positive energy to an already overloaded negative energy vortex that exists in the world today?”

If you are asking yourself this, then here’s some good news to add to the mix. You have come upon the right article. So continue reading to know how you can make a difference by adding your positivity to a vortex of negative energy.

Focus on a single circumstance or challenge at a time – one that really boils your blood. For example, right now (2022) in South Africa, we are experiencing unthinkable stages of load shedding. It’s crazy really! But instead of getting annoyed, frustrated, or angry, and then adding your toxic energy to the mix of the already lethal vortex of overflowing anger and frustration from others, do the following:


1)Stop your negative thoughts dead in their tracks.

2)Take a deep, slow breath of air. Do this by inhaling to the count of 7, holding for 4 counts, and then exhaling to the count of 11. Do this three times. (Do not do this exercise while driving a vehicle as you may feel dizzy after doing this exercise)

3) Then, ask yourself the following questions:

·Is my emotional surge going to stop the situation? [for example, will my anger and frustration stop load shedding?]

·If I complain about it, is that going to help in any way?

·Is adding my negative emotions to the mix of what must already be a large vortex of negative energy, worth the strain that I am putting on my body from negative thoughts and emotions?

·What is the worst thing that can happen to me if I accepted the situation?

·And then, how can I create positive energy and then add it to the negative vortex of energy that exists due to the situation? [load shedding challenges in the country]

4)Next, become creative. If there really is nothing you can do about a situation, and you have no choice but to accept the circumstances, then it’s time to be creative.

Energy is truly magical, and we underestimate its power. Although I will not be delving into the workings of energy in this article, these steps will be able to help you add your positive energy into a world where negative energy seems to thrive.

5)Add your energy into the pot. The more positive energy that goes into the mix, the less negative energy there will be. Like light chasing away the darkness. One lit candle in a dark room can make a difference.

You can accomplish this in various ways:

·By raising your vibrations.

(I explain some methods of how to do this in my free book Mind Hacks, That Can Change Your Life, which you can download from my website

·Using positive affirmations to push out negative thoughts such as "Everything will be okay. We will get through this." etc.

·Visualization techniques such as seeing yourself relax on a beach. Go into detail, emotions and all - this will help you escape the negativity trap.

·Fill yourself with feel-good hormones. - This is easy once you start picturing yourself on your favorite holiday, eating your favorite meal, spending time with your favorite people, etc, and smile while you're picturing this.


·Breathing exercises.

·Physical exercises.

There are many ways to become positive. The above list is just to name a few.

I always suggest using the Higher Vibrational Trio or the Affirmation Pack Power Duo. These are formulations I created and which techniques are fully explained in my free book mentioned above.

In essence, it’s using positive affirmations and visualizations whilst releasing happy hormones. These techniques not only aid in bringing your well-being to a higher level of wellness but also has a ripple effect. Energy cannot be contained (although it can be blocked) and flows freely. You may not see it, but you can see the effects. For example, you cannot see radio waves, phone, or Wi-fi signals, but you know it’s there because you are able to use them. The signals go where they are intended to go. You cannot see the energy of prayer but it’s there and it goes where it is intended. You cannot see the wind, but you can see the leaves of the trees moving. It’s the same with energy. Many energy healers, such as I, always use this statement, “energy flows where thought goes”. It cannot but do just that. It is what it is.

Try this – focus your thought and energy on a part of your body, perhaps your hand, and keep it focused there for a while. Imagine that a certain spot is growing warmer and warmer. Tell yourself it’s growing warmer. Allow the energy to flow there. You should notice that it will start to warm up. That’s how powerful a thought (which is energy in and of itself) combined with intention is.

6)Practice this technique. Strengthen your energy maneuverability. Your energy flows to where your thought goes anyway, so why not make it more intentional. More purpose-driven.

7) Afterwards, invite others to do the same. The more people that become creators of positive energy, the faster the negativity will be overcome.

I truly believe that the more we add our positive energy to unfavorable circumstances and challenges, the faster solutions will appear that will remove the challenges or at least help us to overcome them. But adding negativity to the mix is just adding more density to the darkness and making it less likely for solutions to light up the way to a better future. 

We can do something in every situation by using our energy correctly. So let’s add our positive energies to the various negative vortexes in existence to make make a difference!

Article by Ursula Graetz

Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, and Energy Healer 



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